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Quintana of Charyn
Melina Marchetta
The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 4)
Rick Riordan
Amalie Howard
The Bride Wore Size 12
Meg Cabot

The Coldest Girl in Coldtown

The Coldest Girl in Coldtown - Holly Black 4.5/5Originally posted at Gypsy ReviewsI received an eARC from the publisher. Thanks!I’ve never read anything by Holly Black and this was the first time I had heard of her so talk about her and this book definitely drew me in. The Coldest Girl in Coldtown is not your ordinary vampire novel, Black has been able to fit vampires into our society and provide us with a situation what if there was a vampire outbreak and how we would handle it and live side-by-side with vampires? It was a thrilling, enjoyable read and no doubt I will be reading more of Holly Black’s books.We have Tana who wakes up the next morning at a party and finds that nearly everyone is dead except her ex-boyfriend Aidan who is infected and is going to turn Cold soon, chained in a room and with a vampire. I admired Tana, she was an unlikely hero thrust into a situation she never wanted to be in but she managed to keep a level-head and figure out a way to keep her family safe and to prevent herself from turning Cold at all cost. I really liked that despite all the temptations of becoming a vampire and the opportunities that would come with it, Tana still refused and wanted to be human. It was good to see a MC who actually stuck to her principles and refused to let anyone change that so Tana was definitely one of the highlights of the book for me.Gavriel was an interesting and very complex character, it’s hard to know what his true intentions are and what kind of person he really is. He carries himself with an air of mystery and he works it so well. There was definitely some chemistry between Tana and Gavriel which made things very interesting and I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it. Aidan, Tana’s ex, is cocky and so sure of himself but underneath that exterior is a guy who does care and tries to do the best even though Tana finds it hard to trust him.I absolutely loved how complex and well-thought out everything was. How vampires were created, the history of vampires before the outbreak, how becoming infected works and how Coldtown worked. A lot of thought was put into all of this and I really appreciate that Black didn’t just throw in details and didn’t mean them later on. It all seems very possible when you think about it, particularly how teenagers become enamored with becoming a vampire and being immortal, thinking that life is greener on the other side. But how there are also people like Tana, who don’t see the glamourous side of the vampire life and would much prefer being human.I like the chapter breaks we get after every second chapter which are short and provide a bit of extra information to add more depth to the story, be it another character’s perspective or a flashback. It was quite refreshing to take a break from the story and just find out about another aspect. The story was well-written and the pacing was good too, Black manages to keep you engaged and drawn to the story throughout and pulls some surprises you never would have expected.I definitely recommend this and I think it’s going to be one of the best Fall releases, if the synopsis already appeals to you go grab it! Holly Black brings a whole another level of vampires and despite my misgivings about them, I’m starting to give them a chance and really enjoying these books.Verdict: What are you waiting for? Go get it!----------------This has to be probably the best vampire book I've read all year, though I don't recall if I have actually read a vampire book this year. Anyways, Holly Black is able to define vampires in her own way and make it complex and keep it absolutely horrifying and true to its nature. Tana is such an unlikely hero and down-to-earth, logical, practical and even though being a vampire in Coldtown would make her at the top of the food chain. She still wants to remain human. Such a good book, I'm gonna want this in hardcover!-- Full review to come!


Icons - This was so boring. The plot had potential but it wasn't fleshed out as well as it could have been. I never fully grasped the concept of their abilities. The writing was awkward too. I find it hard to recommend this book, it was agonising to get through.
The Lucy Variations - Sara Zarr 3.5/5I loved this from the moment I started it, I could relate to it so much having quit piano after playing it for 5 years and the writing was so meaningful and relatable. Though it all took a turn for the worse when it started to get creepy and uncomfortable with the potential teacher-student relationships so that kind of ruined it for me. Lucy didn't make the best decisions but it was interesting to see her progression and finally embracing what she wanted for herself.-- Full review to come!

The Caged Graves

The Caged Graves - Dianne K. Salerni Historical fiction? Check! A bit of mystery? Check! A good romance with a touch of arranged marriage (I kinda like arranged marriages in stories... don't ask) Check! Loved this book so much, devoured it in a couple of hours. Such a great heroine too who is level-headed and refused to let others talk her down. - Full review to come!


Arclight - Josin L. McQuein DNFStopped at page 322. I know I could have finished this book but I simply wasn't interested anymore, I was just skimming through because I understood nothing that was going on. From the very beginning, the world of Arclight was unclear and my brain was fuzzy about every single detail. I hoped it would pass as I continued but halfway through and still I was so confused about what was going on. I'm not a fan of the way the story is told, there is too much of Marina analysing what is going on and it becomes very heavy and there is way too much content that could have been cut short. The writing was covering what was actually going on and I found it incredibly hard to visualise the world as well. It was like wading through thick oil. I was disappointed by the story too, I expected something very different and what we got was a familiar dystopian/post-apocalyptic novel which just had a different concept but similar formula. I find it very hard to recommend this book despite not finishing it, I know many people enjoyed this book and I did enjoy some parts but they were simply not enough to hold my interest. I was so bored by this book and it felt like a chore reading it. I would highly recommend checking out positive and negative reviews before venturing into this book if you're unsure, maybe it could have just been me *shrugs*
Shadows on the Moon - Zoë Marriott 4.5/5

Kinslayer (Lotus War)

Kinslayer - Jay Kristoff Originally posted at Gypsy ReviewsI received an ARC from Pan MacMillan Australia. Thank you!Having been blown away by Stormdancer, no doubt my expectations for Kinslayer were high and I wondered if it would be unable to live up to them. But however, Kristoff managed to pull it off and make Kinslayer even better than Stormdancer and keeps giving you massive facepunches throughout the book that you won’t even have time to recover before the next one. Kinslayer is a testament that this series is amazing and you should get on it as soon as possible.Yukiko’s not dealing well with what happened at the end of Stormdancer, the kenning has somehow gotten stronger and she seems to be unable to control it. This is causing a problem for everyone as many look upon her to lead the rebellion and bring peace to Shima and Yukiko is slowly spiralling downwards with trying to dull the kenning using alcohol. In Kinslayer we see that Yukiko’s role is more or less a symbol, she’s not the heroine we expected her to be and I did like that. It shows that sometimes a responsibility this big is not shouldered easily and not everyone handles it well. It just makes Yukiko so much more human.Yukiko and Buruu’s relationship has strengthened and they just give me all the feels! I’m pretty satisfied with Yukiko and Buruu, she doesn’t need a man in her life with Buruu around, their bond is so strong that it is almost to the point where it’s terrifyingly sweet. I mean seriously look at this quote (and yes, this is all in capslock because that’s how Buruu rolls)THEN KNOW THIS. BETWEEN AND BENEATH AND BEYOND ANYTHING ELSE I MAY BE, I AM YOURS. I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU. NEVER FORSAKE YOU. YOU MAY RELY UPON ME AS YOU RELY UPON SUN TO RISE AND MOON TO FALL. FOR YOU ARE THE HEART OF ME. (pg. 31 of ARC)If that didn’t give you feels, I don’t know what will. Also Buruu isn’t a person, he’s an arashitora so a creature very similar to a griffin but literally a ‘stormtiger’ in case any of you were confused.The main spotlight was given to the secondary characters who were just incredibly kickass and awesome and I can’t even. MICHI, SHE SLAYED OKAY. It was good to be introduced to more characters too so we could see what was going on in Shima and it added more depth to the story. But this just meant it gave Kristoff more excuses to kill characters and drown us in all our feels and massive facepunches.What makes this book is how Kristoff is unrelenting with the events in the book, he doesn’t stop after one, he keeps going. I’m reeling from the pain of one event and he goes and does it again, making the massive hole in my heart even bigger. Nothing is held back here and there were several times in the book where I was just fuming mad because HOW COULD YOU???? There is at least one death which I will never forgive him for, you don’t just do that >:( People deaths I can live with but THIS RAWRRRRRRThe book is a monster in itself but I guarantee that you will not even notice how long it is because before long you’ll realise you’re nearly at the finish with two wet streaks across your cheeks which you had no idea about and wishing that it would never end. The writing is still very descriptive but the thing about Kristoff’s writing is that it helps you visualise the scene so vividly and is such an asset that it stops bothering you once you get into it so to those who were put off by the descriptive writing, don’t worry.Also, Paola @ A Novel Idea and I have dubbed the last book in the series – Feelscrusher. You’re welcome ;)Verdict: Who needs to buy food when you can just buy this book?--------------Oh. My. Word. This book was just blow after blow after blow and just so much happens. This is not a happy book you guys, it gets gritty. GET THIS BOOK. You will not regret it.The Lotus War has just begun....-- Full review to come!

In the After

In the After - 4.5/5Amazing debut, my faith in HarperTeen's new releases this year has been restored. I demolished this within 24 hours and couldn't stop myself. There are some predictable areas but Lunetta is able to execute them so well that you keep craving for more. I wasn't a big fan of the romance which is actually quite minor and I was pretty sad that Amy and Baby's relationship kinda diminished towards the end but I am incredibly excited for the sequel and cannot wait to read more.-- Full review to come!

Froi of the Exiles (Lumatere Chronicles Series)

Froi of the Exiles  - Melina Marchetta Oh my goodness the feels I had for this book, the ending had me in a mess, particularly the epilogue. I didn't love Finnikin of the Rock as much as I loved this one, it was just amazing and my love for the series has soared. It is going to take days to sort my feelings for this book. I need Quintana of Charyn NOW. -- Full review to come!

Froi of the Exiles (Lumatere Chronicles Series)

Froi of the Exiles  - Melina Marchetta Oh my goodness the feels I had for this book, the ending had me in a mess, particularly the epilogue. I didn't love Finnikin of the Rock as much as I loved this one, it was just amazing and my love for the series has soared. It is going to take days to sort my feelings for this book. I need Quintana of Charyn NOW. -- Full review to come!

To Be Perfectly Honest: A Novel Based on an Untrue Story

To Be Perfectly Honest: A Novel Based on an Untrue Story - Sonya Sones Originally published at Gypsy ReviewsI received an eARC from the publisher, thank you!To be perfectly honest (just as the title of the book says), I made a mistake when I requested this book on Edelweiss. I was looking through the Harper releases very early and requesting a bunch of them (and subsequently got rejected for all of them lol) and I clicked the request button for this book before realising this was being published by S&S. So I was hesitant to read this book after not knowing much about it, even from the synopsis it didn’t exactly interest me so this was such a pleasant surprise. It was a quick read and the execution was mind-twisting as the character never tells the truth. So how can you know that anything she says is actually true at all?Colette is addicted to lying and she does it so well that sometimes people never notice. Colette had plans for her summer but her famous movie star mother drags her and her little brother on location in a very small town. Colette is less than enthused but she meets a biker who might just change her mind about this summer.Now Colette is really just your average teenager, all that high school drama and all, she knows it. Lying is her way of having fun and she does it so well, I admit, even I got fooled. There is this passage in the book that I love.If a person says, “You can’t believe a word I say,” is her statement true or false?If her statement is true, then everything in her statement has to be true. Right? But because her statement tells us we can’t believe a word she says, then everything in her statement has to be false. Right?So – which is it: true or false? (5%)Basically the whole story depends on whether you believe what Colette says or not and that’s a part of the fun of the book. Sooner or later, you’re going to take everything with a grain of salt because Colette keeps you wrapped around her little finger, lying her way throughout the story. I loved how I was constantly questioning myself was Colette lying? Did this really happen?Conner is the biker she meets and well, just take the entire romance with a pinch of salt. It’s a serious case of instalove but without the whole you’re my soulmate and I want to be with you forever part. I really love the twist at the end, Colette sure knows how to hold her own and you probably won’t see it coming. This is what you get for going in a book where the protagonist keeps lying. The last passage in the book really had me shaking my head and smiling because it is just so typical of the book to say that and I have to applaud Sones for it. I won’t reveal it because I don’t want to spoil the fun but it’s good.In overall this was such an enjoyable contemporary read, despite the length (it says it’s nearly 500 pages), I breezed through it within a few hours. I think it’s mainly due to the format of the book but I couldn’t tell if it was my Kindle or the book. It’s a good palette cleanser, especially if you’ve just read something very heavy. I’m not sure if it would be worth getting in hardcover because it’s contemporary and I know some don’t usually like getting contemporaries in hardback so I say it would be worth it as an ebook.Verdict: Get it in ebook for when you want something quick and fun!------------------This was a really quick read due to how the story was formatted, it's fast and short and fun to read. Something you would just pick up if you're looking for a palette cleanser after reading something heavy. Crafted well and I like how everything about the character makes you wonder is anything real at all? The character's decisions are however questionable but yet again, don't take everything in this book too seriously. -- Full review to come!

All Our Yesterdays

All Our Yesterdays - Cristin Terrill I received an eARC from Bloomsbury. Thank you.Originally posted at Gypsy ReviewsAll Our Yesterdays has gotten a lot of buzz this year and usually books fail to live up to the hype but All Our Yesterdays managed to live up to its reputation and wow me. Exhilarating, action-packed and fast-paced, All Our Yesterdays takes you on a journey that you will find hard to wrap your mind around as it slowly peels back the layers of the story to piece together what went wrong. This is a book you want to get this year and the less you know about it, the better.I’m going to keep my review as non-spoilerish as I can because I highly recommend going into this book with no clue at all about it. Don’t even read the blurb. Just know that this is a time-travel book and that should be enough because nearly everything is a spoiler in the story.Em is trapped in a cell where the Doctor wants the information she has but she won’t give it to him. Everything has turned out this way because of the Doctor and she knows that she has to stop him. She has to go back in time to stop him before the damage can be done, before the world turns out like this and full of destruction. The Doctor might think he’s doing good in the world but he’s deluding himself and Em knows she can stop him.Marina has always lived a very sheltered life, safe and contained, the worst of her problems is that she’s loved her best friend James for so long, she wishes he could see it. But everything starts crumbling down one day and suddenly James is being targeted, Marina is determined not to let anything happen to him but she finds out this is much more than she could have ever imagined.The characters in the story are all interesting, I’m not going to name them out but they were fleshed out well and although one or two characters were annoying, it was all still quite realistic. The characters are definitely one of the strong points of the novel and Terrill manipulates the story and her characters so well together. Terrill knows character development and this is one of the attributes of the novel, you see progression through the story and the characters being affected by various events in the story. It just brings up to life as you see how they respond in different situations.The story was done so well, in actual fact it is quite simple once you think about it but when you go into it you don’t actually expect it because of the way the story is told from the very beginning. From the very first page it was action-packed and it is hard to tear yourself away from it. Some scenes are absolutely gut-wrenching and you get all the feels, it’s quite an emotional rollercoaster especially at the end.The science terminologies and the mechanics of time travel were a little shaky, they were hard to wrap my mind around. I’m pretty sure you can still get into the story without understanding it completely but if you’re very bothered about making time travel scientifically accurate or at least it sounds logical, this might be something hard to grasp. I wasn’t too bothered about it because the story still could go on without understanding how time travel worked in All Our Yesterdays though I do wish it was explained in a more simpler manner.Although All Our Yesterdays, to me, seemed great as a standalone, a sequel is in the works! I’m excited to see what Cristin Terrill is going to come up next because she has proven to be a great author with this fantastic debut. I am definitely going to be looking forward to see what else happens! While we wait for the sequel, you need to get All Our Yesterdays now. Like right now.Verdict: Run to the bookstore and get it. NOW. --------------------------------4.5/5That ending was so tense and action-packed and gut-wrenching. A really good time-travel novel that keeps you constantly on your toes. Definitely a book you want to read this year, it is worth the hype.-- Full review to come!
The Year of Shadows - Claire Legrand, Karl Kwasny Originally posted at Gypsy ReviewsI received an eARC from the publisher, thanks!The Year of Shadows was such a satisfying and enjoyable read, it was endearing and had some very strong messages about family, letting go, forgiveness and friendship. It is an exemplary example why I love Middle Grade books and will always continue reading them, no matter that I’m way beyond the years for reading middle grade.Olivia lives in the concert hall now because her father’s orchestra is losing money quick, her mother’s left and all she has left is her grandmother. Olivia refuses to acknowledge her father, even going to the extent that she now refers to him as the Maestro. Things aren’t going well for her at school either, her only comfort is being able to draw in her sketchbook. I loved Olivia and I wanted to reach out and hug her. No child her age should have to deal with this kind of burden, of not having their mother around and having to worry about money and living conditions and taking care of her grandmother. She was so mature for her age and even going to find work herself so she doesn’t have to keep asking the Maestro for money? :’( Sketching on napkins when her sketchbook ran out of pages? *sobs quietly*A large part of the story is about Olivia and the Maestro’s relationship and her coming to terms and trying to forgive him because she blames him for her mother leaving. It is easy to relate to Olivia because when something like this happens, naturally you find someone to blame and you concentrate all that energy and pain into that one person. It was a way for Olivia to cope with her mother’s departure and the state of her living conditions. But I really loved how slowly but gradually, Olivia find out there’s more to the entire picture and realises, her mother has left yes. But she can’t do anything about it and neither can the Maestro. She has to accept that and to appreciate what she does have.It was so interesting to see Henry and Olivia’s friendship bloom, Olivia was so hesitant to acknowledge Henry even as a friend. It only just started as a partnership to the whole ghost situation but then they become really good friends. I love stories like this, you’re never going to fully trust someone when you’re in such a vulnerable state but as time goes by, you realise that you can trust them because even after everything, they’re still here. It was so endearing and sweet to read about :3It was so perfect that I had to make a Reasons to Dislike Henry Page list and keep it in my sketchpad so I could look at it whenever I caught myself thinking it might actually be okay to like him. (7%)Igor is a cat who needs his own TV show. You will love him. Full stop.I was expecting the ghost component to be a lot scarier and creepier but I’m glad it went another direction. Some of the stories behind the ghosts were just so sad and powerful. Stories about a love of music, between siblings and a father’s love. It was very hard for me to let them go too after getting a little attached to them and Olivia definitely felt the same way. I loved that part when she proclaimed the ghosts, her ghosts. It might seem possessive and stuff but it spoke of how much she had grown to like them and how attached she was to them now.The writing is beautiful as well, here are some of the quotes I highlighted on my Kindle.Dreaming tells us who we are and scrubs away the bad days (23%)When people get caught up in watching something, their faces change. The lines on their faces get softer, because whatever they’re watching has made them forget how they think they’re supposed to be looking instead, they just are – just sitting there, listening and watching and being real. (76%)As I was reading an eARC, the illustrations were all sketches and I couldn’t see them fully because somehow they got resized on my Kindle but I did see some of the finished illustrations somewhere on Twitter and WOW THEY’RE BEAUTIFUL. I might just get a finished copy for myself :3I cannot wait to read Legrand’s other book, The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls which I have on my Kindle! If you’re into MG, you definitely have to read her novels. You can be sure I’ll be purchasing her books in the future ;)Verdict: If you love MG you gotta read it. If you want to get into MG, this might be the book to go with!-----------------Incredibly endearing and has some pretty powerful messages inside about family, friendship, forgiveness and letting go. -- Full review to come!

Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles Series #1)

Cinder  - Marissa Meyer Oh. My. God. Marissa Meyer sure knows how to send her readers on an emotional rollercoaster. The story was predictable but the delivery was fantastic and didn't make it seem predictable at all. I have so much feels for this book and I love it, it definitely exceeded my expectations.-- Full review to come!

Stormdancer (Lotus War)

Stormdancer  - Jay Kristoff 4.5/5Originally posted at Gypsy ReviewsStormdancer was tough to get into, the writing was complex and detailed and it took a while to get used to the terminologies. But through a slow beginning, Stormdancer managed to prove that it can hold its own and pack a punch of feels right where it hurts the most. It’s a wonderful tale that showcases the bond between Yukiko and Buruu and standing up to what is wrong when you possess that power. The world that Jay Kristoff has created is mesmerising as he intertwines steampunk with Japanese culture and is a book I will never hesitate to recommend.Yukiko is probably one of the toughest heroines I’ve ever come across, she is fearless and there is little that she is intimidated by. She’s a hard nut to crack and has this cold exterior, her past has caused this and although she won’t admit it, she’s unhappy with the way things are. Everything changes though when she meets Buruu, an arashitora, a creature long thought to be lost. We see another side of Yukiko who is awed and terrified by this fantastic creature and eager to work together with him to survive. They form a bond like no other and become one. I remember there was this one line in the book where it was something along the lines of not knowing where she started and where he ended. I feel that’s a perfect way to describe Yukiko and Buruu, they become one whole being that it becomes hard to define one without the other.Buruu is no doubt one of the most unique characters I have ever read about. His personality is blunt, straight-forward and he is so perplexed by the actions of humans. He makes capslock look fantastic and I loved the impression he gave like he was constantly shouting, it just fits in so well with who he is. No doubt you might be chuckling at some parts because Buruu’s inability to understand human attraction is hilarious. I did have one problem with Yukiko and Buruu and that was I felt the development between them just went by so fast. I liked the end product but just wish we got more of what happened in between.The writing is hard to take in, I was quite taken aback by how detailed and painstaking it was to piece together one simple scene that was basically a few paragraphs long. No doubt the writing is heavy and not light and it makes the book hard to get into but it is all worth it. I gained such an appreciation for it as we reached the interesting parts. The beginning, as people warned me, was hard to get through. It was slow and I found it very hard to get used to the entire story and every character, it just felt so unfamiliar and strange and like I was being constantly hit with new things to understand before I even started to just understand what was going on. But rest assured, once you get to the good part, you won’t look back at all. Stormdancer will take you on a ride that will just blow your mind.Kristoff does a terrific job at intertwining Japanese culture with his own interpretation of Japan. Before I read the book I had heard how inaccurate it was but for Stormdancer I think it’s important to remember this is Japanese-inspired, this is not Japan in a steampunk setting. It’s a story about a land that is similar to Japan and in a steampunk setting. It is difficult to get used to the terminologies because there are so many new things to learn but you will definitely get used to it, no matter if you’re completely new to Japanese culture or you already have an idea of it. What is important you will soon understand fast enough.The ending had me on the edge and oh my goodness it was so amazing and epic. Even though I unwittingly got myself spoiled by what happened, it was still so shocking and just so many feels and emotions. After the book I was going “Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god,” while staring into blank space, clutching the book. That was one heck of a book hangover.You just have to get this book, I’m not kidding it was amazing and I’ve read the sequel which is even more mindblowing than this one. You will not regret this at all, the beginning will be hard but trust me, once you get through the first 100 pages, you won’t even want to tear yourself away from the book.Verdict: You should already be at the bookstore buying this book.-------------------Wow that ending was amazing. I liked Yukiko and Buruu but their development was a little toi quick. Wasn't a fan of the love triangle either but the world building was fascinating and complex. The action scenes were very well-written. A fantastic book, highly recommend it!-- Full review to come!

OCD Love Story

OCD Love Story - Corey Ann Haydu I received an eARC from Simon Pulse via Edelweiss. Thank you!OCD Love Story took me by surprise, it’s not your typical contemporary romance, far from it. Many times during the story I couldn’t help but feel embarrassed for what Bea was doing and I did feel quite uncomfortable but it managed to work out. OCD Love Story is all about looking over our odd parts and loving people for who they are inside despite all those quirks. It’s about the challenging times of having to deal with mental illness and maintaining a friendship or relationship with someone who has one. OCD Love Story is unafraid of showing the complexities of dealing with mental illness and coming to terms about it.Bea has OCD but never knew it, she’s in therapy for an incident with her ex-boyfriend and the story starts out in a dance where there’s a blackout and Bea meets this guy called Beck who is having a panic attack in the midst of the blackout. Little does she know, when she starts attending group therapy, Beck is there too. Beck has OCD and needs to workout numerous times a day and wash his hands and himself constantly. He does everything in eights but he’s a sweet and endearing guy underneath it all.Bea however has started to listen in on one of her therapist’s clients who is a rock star and his wife. She starts recording down their appointments and what they say, following them back home and it starts to get a little creepy. Bea also can’t drive too fast, she’s constantly afraid that she’ll bump into someone and cause an accident. She doesn’t know that all these compulsions lead up to her therapist’s diagnosis that she has OCD.I liked Bea, her personality was one that struck me as unafraid and confident of herself and embracing what kind of person she is. I did feel that Bea was a little lonely at times but she had her best friend, Lisha which was great for her but as we progress through the book we see the strain Bea’s illness has on their friendship and how much weight Lisha carries on her back. Bea was pretty likable, I mentioned earlier I felt secondhand embarrassment for her throughout the book because all that stalking and awkward things she said sometimes was just yikes. I wasn’t however a big fan of her saying she liked it when Beck was having his compulsions and acting like he had OCD because she preferred this side of him. It seemed rather selfish of her to like that part of himself just so she could feel better about herself.Beck was really sweet, Bea and Beck’s relationship gave me warm and fuzzies and I enjoyed reading about them together. It seems just so adorable that two teenagers with OCD could get together and work through it together as a couple. I really liked how Beck was trying for Bea, he wanted to get better so they could have a normal healthy relationship and they helped to make each other better. They’re both not perfect but willing to look over these imperfections and love the person that they are underneath.I didn’t really like Lisha actually, the way she was quite temperamental at times and how Bea described Lisha made Lisha seem extremely lonely and had nothing to do except when Bea comes along. Slowly I seemed to understand that it is hard on Lisha too because she has very little in her life she can count on and she’s so afraid of losing Bea because Bea is her only friend. Being friends with Bea definitely put some strain on their relationship and I could see why Lisha had to do the things she did because sometimes it was all about Bea.OCD Love Story is incredibly raw and down-to-earth, it lets you see from another perspective and despite the awkwardness and the touchy subject, it reflects how simply a love story can be and the aftereffects of OCD not on the person affected but also everyone around them. I do recommend OCD Love Story because I really enjoyed it but do be prepared for the embarrassment you’re going to feel for Bea because it gets awkward… hahaVerdict: Check it out if you’re looking for something sweet and romantic!----------------------Very cute romance, definitely one of the more unique contemporary stories out there. Can be quite uncomfortable with what Bea's doing, constantly was feeling secondhand embarrassment for her. -- Full review to come