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Gypsy Reviews

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Quintana of Charyn
Melina Marchetta
The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 4)
Rick Riordan
Amalie Howard
The Bride Wore Size 12
Meg Cabot
September 2013
reviewed: Resist
3.5/5Some things were definitely unclear and we never found out why Jude was helping the rest, felt very uneasy over how easy...
Resist - Sarah Crossan
finished reading:
September 2013
I definitely remembered this to be longer but anyways it was fantastic and you can start to see that development between Perc...
The Sea of Monsters  - Rick Riordan
reviewed: The Titan's Curse (Percy Jackson & the Olympians)
So much love for this book because ARTEMIS!! I felt Bianca's ending was too swift, I definitely didn't remember it being so q...
The Titan's Curse  - Rick Riordan
finished reading:
finished reading:
September 2013
reviewed: The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series #1)
I don't write reviews for books I'm rereading but never got a review up but I loved rereading this. It is quite different tha...
The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series #1) -
finished reading:
September 2013
reviewed: Tandem (The Many-Worlds Trilogy Series #1)
Despite an unlikable MC who was bordering on Mary Sue because she literally does not have a single flaw at all, the story is ...
Tandem - Anna Jarzab
finished reading:
September 2013
A pretty average book, it is unique being that the animals are those that you wouldn't expect, they're very ordinary. It was ...
Skulk - Rosie Best
finished reading:
September 2013
Originally posted at Gypsy ReviewsI received a review copy via TBD Affiliates. Thanks!No Sex in the City was just as I expect...
No Sex in the City - Randa Abdel-Fattah
finished reading:
September 2013
reviewed: Hereafter (Shadowlands)
It was an okay book, not as good as Shadowlands but I read this within one day so it was hard to tear myself away from it. Th...
Hereafter - Kate Brian
reviewed: The End Games
DNF at pg. 114The book didn't really impress me from the beginning. I didn't like the writing, it was choppy and ridden with ...
The End Games -
finished reading:
September 2013
3.5/5It was a good book but I didn't enjoy it fully, it never fully drew me in despite the mystery. I was expecting a lot mor...
17 & Gone - Nova Ren Suma
finished reading:
September 2013
reviewed: Tumble & Fall
Originally posted at Gypsy Reviews I received an eARC from the publisher, thank you! I was surprised by the surge of nega...
Tumble & Fall - Alexandra Coutts
finished reading:
September 2013
reviewed: If You Find Me
4.5/5Such a powerful book full of raw emotion and sisterly love. I absolutely adored the focus on family here and my heart co...
If You Find Me - Emily Murdoch
finished reading:
August 2013
reviewed: Book of Broken Hearts
A really sweet book, got me a little emotional because the thought of a parent having Alzheimer's is very hard to bear. I lov...
The Book of Broken Hearts - Sarah Ockler
finished reading:
August 2013
finished reading:
August 2013
Originally posted at Gypsy ReviewsI received an eARC from the publisher. Thank you!Despite not being a fan of Kendare Blake’s...
Antigoddess - Kendare Blake
finished reading:
August 2013
reviewed: Defiance
Meh. I didn't like this book a lot, the romance was so off-putting. I was really confused as to what world this was set in, o...
Defiance - C.J. Redwine
finished reading: